If you have taken the first two steps—gotten your thinking right about what you want, and clarified your true goals—you MUST take action steps to make your vision your reality.
You must be willing to move forward with daily action that will begin moving you toward achievement. There is only one time for you to take action and that is now. Quit trying to get ready to start and start already!
The fact is that there are absolutely no shortcuts and no guarantees. There most likely will be some disappointments, some rejection and times when you’ll question if it’s worth it. The fact is that there will be terrible temptations along the way. One of the biggest will be the temptation to create a fool-proof plan of action and wait for just the right time. Here’s the thing. There is only one right time and that time is now.
The number of parables, motivational quotes are endless but true. So I’ll try to limit them, but it’s difficult because they are so true. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Success is a destination. Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Most overnight successes took years and they all had something in common—persistence.
Persistent, massive, conscious action is the “secret” to success. When you take the first step, opportunities do appear. You get to create the perfect time, but you must be willing to do the dirty work.
Success is messy.
Do more. Do more than the average person. If they make 20 phone calls, you make 50. If they visit 10 prospects a month, you visit 30. Increase action and you increase results.
Find ways to fire yourself up. Never allow complacency into your vision. Wake up every day and decide to compete with the person you were yesterday.
In order for there to be steps to success you need to take the first one now and just keep on steppin’.